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Visiting Theater: The Moving Company | SPEECHLESS

Visiting Theater: The Moving Company


In times like these, art is where we'll find refuge. Where we'll find courage. We'll need it in the coming months (and years?) more than we know. So we take this moment to think deeply about what to create. For us at The Moving Company we're lucky to have our body of work to look back on. And we have one work that we believe will speak as clearly as it did the first time, re-awakened and anew. And that piece is SPEECHLESS.

SPEECHLESS follows a group of five people dealing with their collective despair, leaning on each other searching for hope and the strength to carry on and live together.

A play without words, SPEECHLESS is supported by music from Brahms, Schubert, Pärt and more.

We’re glad to have the opportunity to re-new the piece and shape it to our current moment. The Moving Company believes in the power of our work to move people and articulate the collective feelings we are having. This is a critical moment in our history and we believe SPEECHLESS will once again have something to say.

Directed by Dominique Serrand
featuring Kenzi Allen, Steven Epp, Helen Hatch, Nathan Keepers, Randy Reyes.

October 3rd - November 10th at the Jungle Theater.