From our audiences: A list of everything brilliant

Many colored post it notes on a wall

Thanks to the generous donation of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes from 3M, throughout our run of EVERY BRILLIANT THING we asked audience members to share their own brilliant things through a interactive installation in our lobby. From LEMURS to A BLT ON SOURDOUGH and everything in between, this wall has it all. Explore the list below!

  1. Dogs

  2. Field trips

  3. A blanket fresh out of the dryer

  4. When the volume is all the way up in the car to scream to the song

  5. The first entrance on opening night

  6. Black women

  7. A butterfly floating lazily through the backyard

  8. Forehead kisses

  9. Reunions

  10. A cocktail at 5:00

  11. Beautiful hallways on your old college campus

  12. Moms

  13. Swimming

  14. The feeling of freedom

  15. The purpose of the universe is to keep me entertained

  16. Saying “I don’t know” and being okay NOT knowing

  17. God children


  19. When my dog yawns

  20. Small Triumphs

  21. Walk around the lake

  22. Falling asleep to the sound of rain

  23. LEMURS!

  24. Feeling the sun on your body through the windows of your warm car on a beautiful winter’s day

  25. Watching your favorite movie for the millionth time

  26. The smell of my grandma’s perfume

  27. YOU

  28. My son’s laugh

  29. “G” as in Gail Van Horn

  30. Golden fall light shining through pink-orange-red leaves

  31. Seeing my kids become friends in their teen/young adulthood

  32. Spending time with your loved ones

  33. Grand-children

  34. Bernie Sanders

  35. Brothers and sisters

  36. When your dog licks you and you LOVE IT even though they have awful breath

  37. Scottish accents

  38. Petrichor – the smell of the ground/air after rain

  39. The smell of pine needles in the sun

  40. Feeling even when it’s hard

  41. XX Skiing in a birch forest

  42. Motorcycle rides on warm summer nights

  43. The beach’s sand!

  44. Bidets

  45. Service of people is service to God

  46. Cold air on my tongue on my way to class in the morning

  47. Teachers that like to listen

  48. The sound of crunchy leaves under me feet

  49. DINA!

  50. The sound of a Ferrari flat-12 engine

  51. Breakfast food at dinnertime

  52. Seeing who you are and seeing who you were. Noticing the growth, as well as the work ahead. And being GRATEFUL!

  53. Stretching so hard you catch a cramp

  54. GAL PALS

  55. Photo shoots at golden hour

  56. A scary movie that actually scares you!


  58. When there’s too many ripe bananas and you HAVE to make banana bread

  59. My grade school friends!

  60. Seeing the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile on the road!

  61. Moon rise

  62. Fresh home-grown tomatoes

  63. My honey’s kiss

  64. Making love outdoors in brilliant sunlight

  65. When the sunset breaks the day’s sky full of gloom, illuminating the evening’s entry

  66. Beer with Paul Kruse

  67. Seeing bald eagles and hawks

  68. My family

  69. When your clothes smell like campfire


  71. Reading a great book!

  72. Warm chicken

  73. Paddleboarding with my dog on a still lake next to loons

  74. Grover the Muppet

  75. Pine trees

  76. An impromptu Sunday morning walk

  77. Singing jazz

  78. Running!

  79. Warm hugs

  80. The ocean!

  81. Bees

  82. Ability to see different cultures and places on this beautiful Earth

  83. A vaccine for my sweet 10-year-old boy Miles

  84. That feeling when you get your jacket returned to you that your aunt stole

  85. Hearing a newborn baby scream

  86. Arnie palmers

  87. When nobody claps when the plane lands

  88. Dancing to Miles Davis under the streetlights – Mrs. Patterson

  89. Saxophones

  90. A tree

  91. Holding hands with another “old” person (love of my life!)

  92. Italian greyhounds wearing snowsuits

  93. Biking

  94. Sharing a look with a close friend who’s thinking about the exact same thing as you

  95. The world is a beautiful place. Be part of it and rejoice

  96. ANIME

  97. Tight hugs

  98. Hanging with a friend, you need them to leave so you can take a nap, you don’t know how to say it, it’s fine, they catch your vibe and say “I gotta run, this was super fun!”

  99. Trees! Look at ‘em all!

  100. Knowing that suicide is not caused by a lack of imagination of nice things in life


  102. The smell of fresh sage

  103. Ortt music

  104. Bones days

  105. Press-on nails

  106. Learning how to knit

  107. Smell of my dog’s feet

  108. The moment when a choir sings perfectly in tune with each other

  109. Photosynthesis

  110. When you come home from a long day and your dog barks with joy (for 5 minutes) to see you!

  111. Live theater

  112. Rainy days by the fireplace

  113. Opening your eyes underwater!

  114. Meeting people in person whom you’ve only ever met on Zoom

  115. When shoes make a fart noise when you walk

  116. Pamela Espeland

  117. A dog’s reaction when you return home

  118. Any breakfast foods

  119. Cats purring

  120. When my 12-year-old brothers still call me “sissy”

  121. Noticing the moon is full when you are driving home

  122. People

  123. Tea

  124. Scratching me dog’s tummy

  125. Spending time with my offspring

  126. My cat

  127. Waking up with a sore throat and having it disappear after a warm beverage

  128. Fair winds and calm seas

  129. Eating a fresh mango on a sunny day

  130. Sunrise dates

  131. Doodles

  132. The uncontrollable wiggle of cosmos butt and tail every time I walk though a door, regardless of if it has been 5 minutes or 5 days


  134. Water (swimming)

  135. Breathing deep long breath and slowly exhaling

  136. Fall leaves and fresh air

  137. Pollinator gardens

  138. Pesto

  139. Sweet kiss!

  140. Good friends

  141. Laughing so hard you cry

  142. Open window while you sleep

  143. My family and friend’s connection in life

  144. When you hear the whispering guidance of your ancestors

  145. Watching someone slip on the ice

  146. REAL malt powder

  147. The smell of baking cinnamon rolls

  148. Diamonds

  149. My new grandnephew born TODAY

  150. When the radio plays a bunch of good songs in a row

  151. Hugs!

  152. The smell of food wafting through a house


  154. Continuing self-discovery

  155. Puppy breath

  156. Cat on the lap

  157. Warm sunshine

  158. Cozy moments in bed

  159. Discounts

  160. Choose joy!

  161. Finding your soulmate

  162. To feel ALL the feelings

  163. Snark

  164. My car that never needs repair

  165. Driving a convertible with the top down

  166. A new born baby

  167. Babies

  168. Ginger babies

  169. Being productive! (and feeling good about how much you achieved)

  170. Family

  171. Christmas trees

  172. October days of 70 degrees

  173. Fresh cut grass

  174. Hugging a dear friend you haven’t seen in years!

  175. Friends with DOGS

  176. Homemade Halloween costumes

  177. Friends

  178. Dill Havarti

  179. Accidentally touching Nanner’s butt

  180. Moments

  181. Hearts

  182. Butterfly kisses

  183. The smell of patchouli

  184. Lady bugs and butterflies

  185. Warm flannel sheets

  186. Candles

  187. Breakfast sandwiches yummy

  188. Warm goat cheese

  189. Being in nature with kids

  190. When a new album shows up in the mail after you forgot you ordered it

  191. Synesthesia

  192. The first crack of thunder in a green lit sky, air smells of storms

  193. Waking up before your alarm

  194. Tiramisu

  195. My girlfriend Mercedez

  196. Sandals


  198. The sound of rain on a cool fall night

  199. Cooking with my wife

  200. New car smell

  201. The moment of learning when I am going to see Nick again

  202. Thunderstorms

  203. Midnight snacks!

  204. 8th grade history teachers

  205. Realizing my puppy really is house trained

  206. Playing four hand music at the piano!




  210. Missing my Zahara

  211. Friends

  212. Mint

  213. Jack’s lake

  214. Holding a crying child and they stop crying and you feel MAGICAL

  215. Scavenger hunts

  216. Espresso shooters at Third Space

  217. The font of the Walgreens sign

  218. Neighbors who hand out KING SIZE candy during trick or treating!

  219. CORNDOG

  220. DOGS

  221. Unconditional love from dogs

  222. Bonfires

  223. Staying up late just to talk

  224. Fall’s brilliance

  225. Hugs from my mom

  226. Long hugs

  227. Shooting stars

  228. Going or walls with my dog before the city wakes up

  229. Small children

  230. Hummingbirds

  231. Kraft macaroni and cheese

  232. Lakeside coffee time

  233. Going to life changing play

  234. Fall colors and pumpkin spice


  236. Cheryl Nancy

  237. Tea parties!

  238. Mocha Jo

  239. Health care workers

  240. Seafood

  241. Living to see my dreams come true

  242. Getting to sit in a theater again, watching your favorite play in a new city

  243. Powdered blue velvet jackets

  244. Beer

  245. Grandchildren

  246. Someone who makes you feel seen, heard, and understood

  247. When you’re surprised by raindrops

  248. When you get a great tip!

  249. The smell of lilacs

  250. Watching your children come into their personality/being aught something new by your kiddos

  251. Star gazing with your children

  252. The smell of Grandpa’s garage and Grandma’s breath

  253. Driving a manual transmission vehicle

  254. Having a good hair day

  255. The color pink

  256. When you find the BIG DIPPER

  257. Beautiful fall weather

  258. Rice

  259. Having someone who will always love me

  260. Cooking breakfast for friends

  261. Hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick

  262. My compassionate daughter

  263. The smell of freshly baked BREAD

  264. Cozy rainy days

  265. Anarchy

  266. Fall colors

  267. The Great Lakes

  268. Knowing myself more than I did yesterday

  269. The tight “bun” my puppy forms when taking a really good nap

  270. Visiting a loved one’s grave, and getting to be the only person in the graveyard, sharing a quiet moment alone with them.

  271. A juicy peach

  272. Walks with a friend

  273. Going home with family

  274. Candles that smell like cinnamon

  275. THE PERFECT cup of coffee

  276. Going to the Jungle Theater

  277. A return to the theater!

  278. Being at the (this) theatre again

  279. Listening to stories in the start

  280. Returning to reality after a really great book

  281. My students who show up every day with COURAGE

  282. Fuzzy socks

  283. Dog kisses in the morning


  285. Stuffie

  286. Purple unicorns

  287. Sleeping in

  288. Believing in your guardian angels

  289. Standing at the edge of the ocean

  290. The soft purr of your child breathing next to you while he sleeps

  291. Playing in the leaves

  292. Watching the sunset

  293. Believing in magic

  294. Ehtrud

  295. Your own child’s laughter

  296. First snow!

  297. Sunset

  298. My dog. Walking me up to a 10 point buck and young buck and we (all 4 of us) just took each other in

  299. Filling my baby brother’s diaper with sand from the sandbox so he wouldn’t run away when it was my turn to walk him

  300. HBO’s Succession

  301. Sunsets over the Franklin Bridge

  302. Sunshowers when it’s sunny and raining at the same time

  303. Coffee as the sun comes up!

  304. Cats

  305. Cuddling with a cat

  306. Petting a tiny dog

  307. National parks


  309. Friendships that last for years



  312. Sunsets that look like rainbows

  313. Getting greeted by a pet when you get home

  314. Stevie Wonder

  315. LOVE

  316. Wine

  317. Drinking a beer in the bathtub

  318. The way a friend smiles when they see you

  319. Doggi

  320. Judy Garland

  321. Making music

  322. Henry

  323. Foot rubs

  324. Kiera Carniav Ludwigson

  325. A BLT on sourdough

  326. Starb’s chai tea latte

  327. YARN

  328. Fresh basil

  329. Hot tubbing when it’s really cold out

  330. My purring kitty

  331. A warm car on a cold dark winter morning

  332. Kittens

  333. Dancing to blues

  334. Dancing in the street

  335. Dancing in your underwear

  336. Big windows

  337. Cats in turkey

  338. Stars!!!

  339. Wearing elastic waistbands ALL THE TIME

  340. Cooking for a house full of guests

  341. Playing pretend with kids

  342. Finding people that you want to live with in college

  343. Bucky W

  344. Dogs

  345. Francesca

  346. Lake sunsets

  347. Cookies with EXTRA chocolate chips!!

  348. Boulder bros

  349. Singing your favorite song!

  350. Going to the bathroom after holding it in

  351. Finding a bathroom when you really need one

  352. Seeing someone else smile

  353. Roommates who are much cleaner than you

  354. Still being friends with the most thoughtful human you’ve ever known

  355. Fresh fallen snow in the city at night

  356. A dog you don’t know licking your hand

  357. The smell the lavender

  358. Free will

  359. Free Willy

  360. Pollinators

  361. “Yes, we’ll take the dessert menu.”

  362. Hearing my kids laugh

  363. Face moisturizer

  364. Bunnies


  366. A good night’s sleep

  367. Dirty martini

  368. Drinking a glass of wine in the bathtub

  369. A loon’s red eyes

  370. Adam Driver

  371. The warmth of an animal beside you


  373. Quiet children

  374. Theater dates with the girls

  375. Hugs

  376. Birds

  377. Hugging my dogs!

  378. Acting like you are happy even when you’re NOT

  379. How everyone has their own laugh

  380. The beach

  381. Cold swimming

  382. AMAZING friends who get the through the day

  383. THE OCEAN

  384. The sound of the wind thru bare branches

  385. Bracelets made by my kids and worn to the theater

  386.  Smiling after a good cry

  387. French fries

  388. Spotify

  389. My lovely wife

  390. Seeing JuCoby performing in this amazing one-man show!!!

  391. Friends that you can make fun of

  392. People holding the door for you when you don’t expect it!

  393. Finally being able to pee after holding it for a long time

  394. Juan Garcia

  395. Cardigans!

  396. Liz Johnson

  397. Waking up but there’s still more time to sleep

  398. Watching my grandchildren play

  399. Spikey fish doodle

  400. Stephen Sondheim

  401. FRIENDS

  402. Newsies

  403. Naps in the sun with my family

  404. Cozy blankets

  405. Love, kindness and acceptance

  406. Waking up to the snuggles of my 2 year old, beautiful boy

  407. Kitty in a box

  408. Farmers market mornings


  410. Makeshift baseball fields

  411. Psychedelics

  412. Pugs

  413. Warm chai to warm you up

  414. Foster kittens

  415. Walking around the house naked

  416. US!


  418. Rain against a sunroof

  419. Knitting

  420. Happy dogs!

  421. A glass of wine on the porch!

  422. Lunch naps

  423. RICE

  424. A cat’s purr

  425. Making friends with your massage therapist on day 1!

  426. Chosen family! 100!

  427. Unicorns

  428. Being kissed for the first time in a long time

  429. Spaghetti

  430. Chocolate

  431. The number 33

  432. Impromptu visits with family or friends

  433. The color green

  434. Crunchy leaves underfoot

  435. My large Sicilian family!

  436. These 2 horns weekly!!

  437. Spending time with family

  438. My sister!

  439. Cat huffing

  440. Halloween candy

  441. Friends and chix tenders

  442. Dogs

  443. Being able to legally marry the love of my life

  444. The smell of a theatre

  445. That feeling after an action movie when you feel invincible!

  446. Sunsets

  447. Laughing until your belly hurts with friends

  448. When your best friend gets engaged!

  449. Laughing with my best friend

  450. Exercise 2 hours everyday

  451. David Lynch

  452. My book group

  453. Authenticity


  455. Laughter

  456. My students

  457. Resilience

  458. 24 hours past-antibiotics

  459. Cinnamon spiced applesauce

  460. Cold day, wrapped in a blanket, sitting in the sun, coffee to warm you up


  462. Trees

  463. Action figures hanging from remote-controlled helicopters

  464. The Beatles

  465. Believing in yourself again

  466. The first snow

  467. Pumpkin pie

  468. That people are inherently good in this world

  469. Stretching in water

  470. When your dog licks your feet and you jump 15 feet in the air

  471. Wind in the trees

  472. My son Jesse

  473. Fresh popcorn with melted butter

  474. Sleeping in the positive spot

  475. Kindness of strangers

  476. SEX!

  477. Seeing live theater after 18 months of quarantine

  478. Dim Sum

  479. Laughing until you pee (a little)

  480. Artists

  481. Cozy jambos

  482. Back rubs

  483. YOU! (yes you, reading this)

  484. Waking up knowing you fell asleep in the arms of the person you love

  485. Scarves knit by your best friend

  486. The way a new book’s spine bends when it opens

  487. Chocolate in your nightstand to eat before bed!

  488. Fridays

  489. When someone instantly recognizes your costumes

  490. The space between music notes

  491. AWE

  492. Celebrating my birthday with loving family and friends!

  493. Warm feet

  494. Putting on your glasses in the morning

  495. Sunshine

  496. Seeing a “Brilliant Thing” at the Jungle Theater with friends

  497. Playing with little kids

  498. Central heating

  499. Green leaves against a blue sky

  500. Going to sleep at night…waking up in the morning

  501. The sound of digging through a bag

  502. Having that one unexpectedly amazing breakfast

  503. Loving sons

  504. Petrichor

  505. Keep doing new stuff!

  506. Heart

  507. Seeing this play with my son

  508. Having heart to heart conversations with my kids!

  509. Healing, finally

  510. Crocuses

  511. Ur mom

  512. Powdered milk

  513. The warmth of the sun on a cold day

  514. Mojo kickball!

  515. Drawing the 4 foot

  516. Walking in the woods next to the river

  517. Laughing with your friends about nothing

  518. Coffee

  519. FaceIt Foundation - dedicated to helping men with depression

  520. Fall

  521. New Hampshire

  522. Hawaiian shirts!

  523. The beauty of nature

  524. Long train rides with a good book!

  525. A perfect zipper merge

  526. My husband!

  527. 24 hours with the people I love

  528. Singing in a chorus

  529. A large McDonald’s Diet Coke

  530. Hysterical laugher with my many loved ones!

  531. Living room picnics

  532. Feeding the birds

  533. The over 200 kinds of birds in Minnesota!

  534. Warmth of SUNSHINE

  535. Handing out candy during trick-or-treating

  536. Keefer Court’s pork buns!

  537. When you *just* make it to the bathroom

  538. When something you smell makes you remember something good

  539. When you get home late at night and your pets blink sleepily at you


  541. Live music

  542. Fresh strawberries baking in the sun!

  543. Saying the same thing at the same time as someone else

  544. FRESH PEACHES in the perfect time of their season

  545. Getting cast in the snow

  546. The surf on the shore of the Great Lakes

  547. My brilliant, beautiful, funny, dazzling sister!

  548. Mushrooms! Not to eat, just their existence

  549. Naps

  550. Rain

  551. Candles that smell like a memory

  552. You are brilliant – thank you from my heart!

We would like to thank 3M for their generous donation of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes for this installation.

Jungle Marketing