Jungle Spotlight: Becca Hart


Many have seen the talents of Becca across the Twin Cities, recently starring in THE WOLVES and RIDE THE CYCLONE here at the Jungle; but did you know she was also a gifted illustrator? Check out her INCREDIBLE piece inspired by the the Jungle's joyous production of RIDE THE CYCLONE.

This Jungle Spotlight Becca shares her experiences being a part of this wacky, wildly-original story as well as her passion for drawing and theater:

"One of the best parts of Ride the Cyclone was talking to people afterwards. Folks would often say, 'I can't believe there's a show this creepy and funny and heartfelt! Who would think to combine the afterlife and a musical?' Who indeed. I myself always enjoyed the macabre and the musical, but thought these were interests I should keep to myself for fear of embarrassment. Who else could possibly share these interests? Who indeed. Well, lots of us, apparently! Just like the characters from St. Cassian High School think their interests are alien, we often think our interests are alien, something no one else would relate to. Who else would want to see a rat play a bass solo? A sardonic robot give death notes? A bunch of high schoolers sing in purgatory? Who indeed. I'm grateful to the creators of Ride the Cyclone for so many reasons, one being that their macabre, musical, and hilarious play allowed a room full of strangers to Take a Look Around and see that what brought them joy had also brought a smile to the faces of the stranger next to them.

The first 'scripts' I knew by heart as a kid were from animated movies. Seriously, my family had to retire Mulan because I couldn't help but recite every line alongside it! Rather than shut me down, my parents supported my one-person reenactments and bought packs of paper for my attempts to redraw my favorite characters. I have been drawing as long as I have been acting, but it wasn't until I got to the Twin Cities that I began to combine the two art forms: MNPlaylist welcomed my idea of Cartoon Reviews, where my post-show thoughts sat amidst doodles and visual representations of the theater productions; Wonderlust Productions hired me to transform one of their plays into a graphic novel; actor friends and theater fundraisers reached out for commissioned pieces...I feel so lucky to be able to give two kinds of art I adore to the theater community I love!"

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