Why is a Theater Co-Producing a Street Art Series?

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We are a neighborhood theater with national impact.  

Theater is in the business of creating connection – between people, emotions, and ideas. Communities strengthen, relationships thrive, ideas educate, and empathy expands as we recognize our interconnectedness. As we broaden our understanding of all aspects of society, we widen our artistic lens. We start to see the tremendous value and opportunity for richer artistic experiences when we draw connections and blur the categorical lines between art forms. 

Theater is a temporal, event-based art. When a theater creates a production, it's understood that the set will not live on the stage forever, that the nuances of the actors’ performances may shift night to night, and that the unique experience of a live performance cannot be replicated exactly. We love attending the theater because we love its liveness. The energy and pulse of a theatrical performance can only be experienced live with a group of people. 

Public street art uses walls as its stage and its audience is anyone who is witness to it. The storytelling is visual and the final product lives for a while before it undergoes unique transformation – whether it is added to or painted over, altered by the effects of weather, or vanishes with a building’s demolition – it is temporary. Street art expresses where the community is at in the moment of its creation. It has the capability to express communal emotion, public opinion, artistic perspective, and to introduce us to new ways of seeing our world – and our neighborhood. Its aesthetic value manifests differently than theater, but both art forms are expressions of storytelling that hold community and liveness at their center. 

LynLake is our stage this weekend. There are many stories being told – in total there are 23 sites that will have murals painted on them in addition to music, dance, and performance on the Jungle’s outdoor street stage. If you are a lover of theater, we hope you come experience the theatricality of this event and its significance as a part of the Jungle’s story. We are investing in our community of artists, geographic location, and our cities’ identity. We hope that you will join us by being in the audience.  

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